Monday, November 06, 2006


Another post about urs trulyyy

tagged by Fayoora

50 Things I would be.....

1.- If I were a fruit I'd be... poisonous
2.- If I were a colour I'd be... Red
3.- If I were an animal I'd be... a cheetah
4.- If I were a domestic appliance I'd be... a tv
5.- If I were a book I'd be... the da vinci code
6.- If I were a clothing item I'd be... a pair of jeans
7.- If I were a jewel / stone I'd be... precious
8.- If I were an object I'd be... a camera
9.- If I were a car I'd be... Ferrari f430 spyder, red with tan interior and black top (F1 transmission) *siiiiiiiigh*
10.- If I were an element I'd be... Water
11.- If I were a tree I'd be... big
12.- If I were a drink I'd be... delato cookies and cream or tha7ya cocktail
13.- If I were an ice cream flavor I'd be... CookiesN'cream
14.- If I were a person I'd be... me
15.- If I were a planet I'd be... neptune
16.- If I were an insect I'd be... annoying, or a dragonfly
17.- If I were a form of public transport I'd be... free, or a Plane
18.- If I were a song I'd be... loud
19.- If I were a movie I'd be... pirates of the caribbean 3 ;P
20.- If I were a season I'd be... mating season
21.- If I were a flower I'd be... gay
22.- If I were a job I'd be... highly paid but unfair
23.- If I were a cartoon I'd be... extremly pornographic...or south park
24.- If I were a place I'd be... the best place to be in
25.- If I were a gift I'd be... grateful
26.- If I were a memory I'd be... unforgetable
27.- If I were a city I'd be... corrupt or vegas
28.- If I were a sense I'd be... common
29.- If I were a game I'd be... endless
30.- If I were a candy I'd be... the global favourite
31.- If I were a time of the day I'd be... morning
32.- If I were an invention I'd be... a mac
33.- If I were a body-part I'd be... painful
34.- If I were a country I'd be... Kuwait
35.- If I were a flavor I'd be... natural
36.- If I were a sport I'd be... boxing
37.- If I were a smell I'd be... nice
38.- If I were a subject I'd be... international politics / introduction to comedy
39.- If I were a flag I'd be... kuwaits
40.- If I were a building I'd be... the tallest
41.- If I were a month I'd be... short
42.- If I were a perfume I'd be... burberry london
43.- If I were a gummy candy I'd be... easily chewable and non-stickable
44.- No question .. hmmm
45.- If I were a toy I'd be... fun
46.- If I were a textile / fabric I'd be... expensive, tough and everlasting
47.- If I were a shape I'd be... equal
48.- If I were an answer I'd be... honoust
49.- If I were a store I'd be... successful
50.- If I were a word I'd be... undefinable

ok so my answers wernt what they were supposed to be i know, but hey atleast they're true, well some :$

I tag everyone (min zood ile 3inde bil list il7een)


Anonymous said...

What?? ;P

9.- If I were a car I'd be... Ferrari f430 spyder, red with tan interior and black top (F1 transmission) *siiiiiiiigh*

*Applause* ;P

Anonymous said...

hey ;p y do u like red?

um-miT3ib said...

If I were a flower I'd be... gay

LOOOOOOL karfastniii mn ilthi7ek alla igharbel ibleesik ;p

Me7sin said...

fayoor - *takes a bow*

samboosa - its the color i love on cars and its the color of my current baby ;P


*sorry had to get that out of my system*

bas su2al, shlon titkarfiseen min il thi7ik? :$

Me7sin said...

I'm so sorry um mid3ib... i still got one more....


bas walah 5osh nik lol

thank u ;P

Anonymous said...

i love it on everything and inshala (say inshala :P) lama asooooog o i get a car akeeeeed ra7 tkoon red!! if my parents get me a Ferrari o its not red .. aridha!! "i said if" :P LooOl

Anonymous said...

Sharing the same on #15.
LMFAO @ #20!!! xD

Me7sin said...

samboosa - give it to me ill sell my truck and paint it red ;P

P-BOOIII - neptuuunaaa'z fo life Yo *knods head*