Friday, January 18, 2008

What to do?

Nobody can ever convince me that i can ever find a better place to live and work in other than home, ya homeee ;* ;P

I dont know why it is, but even with all the problems that ive had with this place, i just love it to death, im sure that if there was ever a patriotism contest i'd be the one to come out on top

i guess it has to do with a little trip to london a few years back...but thats another story

i cant remember once, ever, having had something genuinely good happen to me here without it crashing and burning brutally in the end...But for some reason i always know that thats what gonna happen and expect it to...but yet keep tricking myself and hoping for that continued good outcome

and i "know" that things will always continue to be like this no matter what

but the reality just hit me today...out of the blue (like really out of the blue as soon as i woke up, cant remember dreaming though)

and then while sitting in the living room working on a project, my parents started to tell me that it would be a shame for me to stay here where ill never get any encouragement or support for the things im good at. and that right there was a sledgehammer right to my brain

for like the first time ever, i feel like i could actually get on a plane, go anywhere and never look back
i genuinely felt like there would be no place for me here after graduation, or now for that matter, and all everything i love and worked for would be of no use and a complete waste if i am to stubbornly stick around

next semester im transferring either to bi3that dakhiliya ib ithn alah, or an abroad scholarship

yet i still love this place, and dont know how things r like when living abroad, yet i dont care...which leaves me now at a crossroads thinking which turn to take...and im stuttering because, ive been at these kinda crossroads before and havnt exactly made the right choices....deja vu anyone?


eshda3wa said...

kuwait is home
you can always come back to it anytime you want
and it will be welcoming you with open arms, things pretty much exactly the way u left them.

I say leap at the opportunity, and savor the experience

strawberry cheese cake said...

go for it

BlackBarook said...
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BlackBarook said...

Go for it. Maybe when you come back you can help the rest of us improve the place so there would be no need to travel. :D

bumo said...

I know how u feel red, ive always felt that this is my home and that i will never leave it.

U should go ahead, oo inshallah when ur done u can come back and make a difference.

Ur parents are right: you will never get any encouragement or support for the things ur good at in Kuwait, but this doesnt mean u cant give encouragement and support for the generations to come

MacaholiQ8 said...

Go for it man and never look back... Do not waste a chance to work abroad because you can always come back and there will always be a place for you in your home country.

Good luck.

bored said...

i lived abroad for more then 4 years and at no time wanted to go back to kuwait, and after i came back i couldnt wait for an opportunity so i can leave, now i got this chance and i took it, now i realize how much i miss kuwait and love it. my point is, u'll never know if u never try.

Coconut said...

go for it.. (always lisn to ur parents hehe they always kno the shortcuts in life).. o about leavin and all, ull get used to it after a while, u'll even like it..the 1st 2 years are the hardest.

Enchanted said...

yea exactly go for it;P!